前提条件:rel1000宗教的理解 穿越坦桑尼亚北部, 你将有机会沉浸在丰富多样的社会, cultural, 宗教, 通过与坦桑尼亚教授和宗教领袖的正式讨论,了解坦桑尼亚的自然环境, and interaction with amazing local people including college students and local people; visiting contemporary sites that illustrate the great social, cultural, 以及宗教丰富的坦桑尼亚, 包括教会, mosques, temples; historical and cultural sites, such as the traditional villages of Chagga and Maasai people; markets, museums, and schools and colleges; observe and participate in indigenous music and dance; going on two-day/one-night safari packs in two of Tanzania’s most popular national parks; serving others at a chosen site; sunbathing at the pristine, warm sandy Indian Ocean beaches; and after-hours enjoyment in local restaurants and entertainment venues.

学生们将参观阿鲁沙和莫希的城市,以及附近的村庄,这些村庄位于雄伟的乞力马扎罗山和梅鲁山茂密的山脚下, 然后去桑给巴尔的香料岛(弗雷迪·默丘里的出生地), 再到繁华的印度洋沿岸城市达累斯萨拉姆.

体验式学习和讨论将侧重于坦桑尼亚的社会和文化, 宗教多元主义, 以及使坦桑尼亚成为非洲最和平、最稳定的国家之一的跨宗教合作.

该计划承诺给你一个独特的跨文化和全球的经验,将挑战你的感官,提高你对生活的看法. 利用这次独特的改变生活的坦桑尼亚之旅! REL, GH

*不包括因任何原因取消(CFAR)旅行保险. 所有参赛者必须提交一份 不可退还的 deposit of $500 with their application; proof of purchase of optional Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) travel insurance, 或签署的“因任何原因取消”(CFAR)保险解除表格必须在初始存款后21天内提交.



REL 675:体验坦桑尼亚:宗教,社会和文化




Jan. 14-29, 2023

